Teeth Whitening Burwood

Would you like a whiter or brighter smile? The Dentists at SIA Dental Burwood are professionally trained to provide safe and teeth whitening options that actually work. Come in for a cosmetic consultation to assess your smile and the dentists can take photos and show you the potential colour they can achieve.

The dentists provide Teeth Whitening which when done by a professional Dentist is a quick and safe procedure to brighten your teeth. This can be done in the clinic for the best effect or in the comfort of your own home with our professional made take home whitening kits. We only source high quality materials to ensure your teeth receive a long lasting teeth whitening effect. Our Dentists also create custom molds of your teeth so that we can provide you with take home teeth whitening kits that are effective just for you. 

Avoid using products without consulting a professional dentist. Our dentists will assess suitability and ensure there is no permanent damage to your teeth and gums, while giving you a variety of potential options.

Why do teeth discolour?

Tooth discolouration can be caused by:

  • Coffee, Red Wine, Smoking & tea can cause staining over time.
  • Old fillings or crowns that now don’t suit the colour of the rest of your teeth.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Root canal filled teeth can discolour because without the tooth nerve, the tooth has no blood supply
  • Some medications can have a side effect on your teeth.
  • Decay and cavities can cause discolouration
  • Your Age can affect discoloration simply through the foods and drinks you eat over time. 

If the teeth are stained or discolored due to food or age, our teeth whitening services can be very effective to whiten teeth. Some other causes of discoloration for example decay or root canal filled teeth may require fillings or crowns to change their appearance.

Does teeth whitening damage my teeth or gums?

All dental treatment carries some risks and that includes teeth whitening. This is why it’s important to see a professional dentist for all your teeth whitening as they have the knowledge to tailor your treatment towards any specific conditions you may have. Some of the risks that might be involved include.

  • Sensitivity after treatment 
  • irritation to the gums or lips and cheeks from bleaching products
  • The gums might discolour temporarily
  • Nausea in the chair.
  • A sore throat.

    What happens when you decide to do teeth whitening?

    We focus on 2 methods.

    1. In- chair light – activated teeth whitening and bleaching.

    This method involves roughly a one-hour appointment at SIA Dental Burwood.
    The Dentists prepare a protective barrier to your lips cheeks and gums before commencing.
    A bleaching agent is then place on your teeth, after which a high intensity light accelerates the effect of teeth whitening.

    2. A take take-home teeth whitening kit.
    This involves a short appointment with a Dentist at SIA Dental Burwood. They create a customized mould of your teeth. These are then sent to a Australian based local laboratory where we create a customized bleaching tray. Once we have the trays, the Dentists issue you with bleaching gels. This applied with the bleaching tray for usually 2 hours each day for the next 3 to 5 days.

    Teeth whitening at the Dentist versus supermarket teeth whitening products & online ordered teeth whitening?

    1. Professional Dentists are health practitioners who can assess the risks involved especially if you have underlying health conditions.
    2. Safety
    3. Safe and High concentrations of bleaching agents can only be prescribed by professional dentists as they are TGA – regulated (Therapeutic Goods Administration).
    4. Customised and tailored to your teeth. Dentists created molds allow the bleaching material to only concentrate only on your teeth. Other materials may cause damage to your gums if they are ill fitting.
    5. Infection control. At the dental clinic, our equipment is fully sterilized and we have a strict infection control protocol to prevent any potential harms.

    Our Dental team would love the opportunity to help you and your family achieve optimal oral health and the smile that you want.

    Book online in under 2 minutes or call us and talk to our knowledgeable friendly team. Our dental suites are located within SIA Medical & Dental centre Burwood. Conveniently on Burwood Highway, near Deakin University and Burwood One shopping centre. We are right infront of a tramstop and have plentiful onsite carparks.
